SDA NEWSletter: #stayathome & sell online | |
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More than ever,
it’s really important to take care for yourself. Shake off your old habits and use #stayathome time as an opportunity for new
Now it is the time to bring the world back to
your comfort zone – to your home. Because now you actually have (more) time to prepare all basic
food as well as everything else. Make yourself delicious homemade bread, pastry, soups, sauces. Mix the
best smoothies, store healthy leftovers in the fridge and enjoy your fresh and clean home with our
Life Simplified appliances.
SDA HQ will finance sell-out for online channels with 10% discount for all products on the #stayathome list. The offer is valid in the
period from 1. 4. to 30. 5. 2020 and will be issued in the form of credit note or free appliances –
depending on the market.
Price discount of the #stayathome SDA products
on online channels should vary from 5% to 15%. The decision of discount on local markets is
based on current positioning.
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To support your online sales, we prepared a guideline presentation with available digital materials for each key product group: food preparation, health keeping, home sterilization, food storing and cooking.
Check the links below and explore available SDA marketing materials. You have endless possibilities of distributing these materials on your website, on your social media channels and on online retailers’ websites. If you don't find the one you need or if you need any adaptations, just contact us and we will be happy to help you with new solutions. | |
If you need any further information regarding sales activities, please contact your sales contact in SDA HQ:
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For any additional questions or requests, we are here for you: | |
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