April 2020 If the message doesn't display, open it in browser.
  Gorenje, a Hisense company  
Hi there, colleagues of the Hisense Europe Group.

Although most of us are forced to work from our quarantine home offices, we still need to stay connectedto communicate and to exchange information. In the time of isolation, insecurity and many adjustments as a consequence of the coronavirus epidemic, it is even more important that you feel you are a part of the Hisense Europe community and that together we will pull through.

We created this weekly newsletter named STRONGER T O G E T H E R. We will try to keep you informed about what's happening in the Hisense world. We will publish video interviews with our colleagues from around the globe, some encouragement and inspirational words from our managers, we’ll share some tips & tricks, put up a fun contest and try to keep all of us connected through these quarantine times.

But this will not be a one-way street. We would like you to join and take part in creating this weekly journal from your home. Do share your videos, send us a photo or drop us a line about your daily challenges, activities, achievements or mishaps from your own quarantine diaries. We are looking forward to seeing how you're doing @home. You are very welcome to share your content to: martina.jelen@gorenje.com and we will include it in the newsletter.

Let's keep the spirits up together and stay connected!

Your editorial team


Now it's time to bring the world back to your comfort zone – to your home. Because you actually have (more) time to prepare all basic food as well as everything else. Make yourself delicious homemade bread with our Life Simplified appliances. You don't need to stick with the basis. Try this delicious leopard bread directly from Gorenje Bread Maker. Bread Maker will help you with your first homemade berry jam as well!

Let's keep the spirits up together and stay connected!