The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) decides on all statutory issues, in particular the important issues of appropriation of accumulated profit and statutory issues. GMS resolves at its annual sessions. The Company's Management Board ensures that the meeting is correctly convened. Shareholders participate in the meeting directly or by proxy, who have collected powers of attorney for deciding at the GMS in accordance with law, which enables delivery of opinions of small shareholders, who normally do not attend the meetings. On the one hand, this is an encouragement for all shareholders to exercise their voting right and on the other it ensures that shareholders are better informed about the convening of the GMS and the objects to be transacted at the meeting.
To give more details about the statutory regulation of the Company, distribution of rights and responsibilities between the Company's bodies and procedural issues, important for the GMS sessions, the Company published on Articles of Association of Gorenje, d.d., Rules of Procedure for the GMS of Gorenje, d.d., and Rules of Procedure for the Company's Supervisory Board.
News on Annual General Meeting of Shareholders