Wednesday, 6th February 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Gorenje design studio established
Slovenian companies Gorenje, Trimo, Riko and Pristop established today at the Founding General Assembly a new company, Gorenje design studio, d. o. o. Gorenje will hold in the new company 52-percent ownership share, the other partners 16- percent each. Gorenje is as the initiator of the project going to integrate its own design department with over 40 year-tradition into the new company. By offering all-round design services the new company is also entering the external market.
Gorenje has been recognised for years as a trendsetter in the field of designing household appliances with its own aesthetics and innovativeness and it holds a reputation of being a company that has recognized design as one of the key factors in achieving business success. Tradition, experiences and competences represent foundations for forming the corn of Slovenian top-class design knowledge that will provide design perfection, contemporary touch and innovativeness of the products of the partner companies and other stakeholders who see design as a unique source of value added for their products.
Complementary effects will be attained on several levels: the Gorenje design studio will improve the reputation of design as a profession, boost competitiveness of companies and industries involved, and consequently contribute to the growth of Slovenian economy. Managing Board President of Gorenje, Franjo Bobinac: ” In Slovenia, where companies function mostly in extremely mature industry sectors, we have an extraordinary possibility of walking the road from a good into a top-class company. Gorenje is in accordance to its promise in its project that is being established today bonding the profession branch and industry partners.”
The main intention of Gorenje design studio is to offer comprehensive solutions in the field of design ranging from industrial to architectural and graphic design. In the future company plans to be active also in the wider European market. Director of Gorenje studio design Jurij Giacomelli stated: “We will be fully exercising our vision, when we reach the top-class in the development of new varieties of culture of living. We are not hiding our ambition to become the leading provider of comprehensive solutions.”
The company is going to operate on two locations: in Design center in Velenje and in Gorenje's office building in Ljubljana located in the street Brnčičeva ulica. Gorenje design studio employs 14 persons and is headed by Jurij Giacomelli. The creative director of the company is Janez Smerdelj, who has been director of Gorenje's Design center for many years and is also a professor of industrial design at the Academy for Fine Arts in Ljubljana. On the occasion of establishing the new company Mr. Smrdelj said: “Gorenje design studio should become a prestigious trade mark that would offer its all-round design services in Slovenia as well in other markets. By employing the best professionals we want to become the best provider of solutions in the fields of industrial design, visual communication and architectural design as well as to perform all the analyses with which new needs of end consumers can be identified.”