Thursday, 11th September 2008, Velenje, Slovenia
Myths and legends from Gorenje

On 10 September, 2008, the book Myths and Legends from Gorenje was for the first time presented to the public in the Atrium of the Velenje castle. The stories collected in the book were written by former and current Gorenje's employees and were edited by Ph.D. Emil Rojc, former Management Board Secretary of Gorenje.
Myths and Legends from Gorenje report on business and everyday life of Gorenje. The collected stories had overgrown their frameworks and became myths and legends while describing different time periods, which are characterised by people, the memory of whom still lives. Mr. Emil Rojc, who collected and edited 127 stories written by 54 authors during the two year work, said on inaugurating the book: "The book is about people who have woven hard work, care, vision and vigilance in the permanent development and growth of Gorenje. The Myths and legends from Gorenje correspond also on the symbolic level to the definition of myths and legends as the characters from the book are permanently encountering crisis and problems that seem unsolvable at the first sight but by using their wit, courage and creativity they are able to surmount them."
Gorenje's founder Mr. Ivan Atelšek said on the Gorenje cult: "In my times, it was said that we had been creating the cult of employees' devotion to Gorenje. And I am glad we did as the generation who succeeded us took over the same characteristics we had. I am proud that that happened because we can now show the fruits of our work. I am proud that the striving for progress, cooperation and participations of employees in decision making continues. And I am proud that we set up Gorenje's quality standards."
Mr. Jože Stanič, Gorenje's long time director, discussed the slogan that he set under his leadership and that was strongly affected by the investment in the production modernisation – the solution lies in people: "The solution lies in people and in their education as we live in the knowledge era. One has to believe in people, mobilize them and be sincere with them."
Mr. Franjo Bobinac, Gorenje's current president and CEO, was the prime mover of writing the book: "The idea about publishing the book was born as it can be learned a lot from the stories and work of people that created Gorenje. I have already learned much and I am convinced that the new generations of Gorenje's employees will have plenty to learn from them as well."