The companies whose brand have proven most popular among Slovenian consumers were presented their awards in Ljubljana. Winners in 39 different categories were selected in the course of the Trusted Brand survey conducted by the reader's Digest Magazine throughout Europe for several years; in Slovenia, the research took place for the third consecutive year.
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In the category of household appliances, Gorenje brand took the top, reiterating its success from the previous two years. This year's victory, again, was quite convincing as 72.8 percent of all respondents declared Gorenje a trusted brand. This figure ranks Gorenje in the very top of the brands by votes received in Slovenia, regardless of category, and again confirms that Gorenje remains a leading national brand.
"The Trusted Brand Award confirms that Gorenje brand enjoys great confidence among the consumers. Gorenje has been and still is a reputable brand built throughout the last 60 years. Its success and popularity among the consumers is further confirmed by the fact that despite the economic crisis, we succeeded in increasing our market shares this year in most of the markets where we are present," commented Mrs. Mirjana Dimc Perko, Gorenje Management Board member, upon receiving the award.
Gorenje is a company of bold vision, constantly investing in upgrade of technology in all production programs, and introducing to the markets new generations of technologically advanced, innovative, and environment-friendly appliances boasting a highly distinctive design. The company recently presented its novelties and innovations at the international IFA fair in Berlin. Currently, they are introducing to the markets their new Gorenje Simplicity Line, which impresses with the simplicity of use as it is operated by a single logical dial, thus being perfectly suited to the modern consumer.
Trusted Brand is a major European research on consumer perception of mass production products and services, taking place in 15 countries. In Slovenia, it was conducted by the independent institute of media research, Mediana. The key purpose of the research is to find out which brands are most trusted by the European consumers, and how they rank the brands in individual product categories. When rating the products and services, the following two criteria are of central importance: quality and the consumer's personal experience.
This year, the research took place for the ninth year; in Slovenia, it was conducted for the third time. The survey remains the same throughout the years, thus allowing the researchers to compare and track the changes in consumer confidence in particular brands. The research also allows inter-cultural comparison as 20 product categories are common to all participating countries while others are selected locally.
In Slovenia, the most popular brands were sought in 39 categories ranging from automobiles, mobile phones, cosmetics, medications, and other products to services, to the category of household appliances in which Gorenje brands continues to reign as the most trusted brand among all competitors.