Tuesday, 10th August 2010, Velenje, Slovenia
IFC and commercial banks confirmed the financing of the Gorenje long-term debt restructuring
Gorenje in mednarodna finančna korporacija IFC sta dne 4. avgusta 2010, v sodelovanju s tremi komercialnimi bankami, s podpisom dogovora zagotovili Gorenju dodatna posojila, namenjena prestrukturiranju ročnosti posojil Gorenja.
Gorenje and International Financial Corporation IFC have on 4 August 2010, together with three commercial banks, with signing the agreement, assured Gorenje additional loans for the purpose of debt maturity restructuring.
IFC is providing a EUR 50 million direct loan to Gorenje and with three commercial banks participation also mobilized additional EUR 51.7 million loans. Purpose of the loans is the repayment of the present loans, maturing in 2010 – 2011. With these loans, being mature between 5 to 7 years, Gorenje is strengthening its financial stability.
Disclaimer: All announcements in English language are only for information purposes!