Thursday, 7th October 2010, Velenje, Slovenia
Announcement regarding the progress of the public offering of the Gorenje, d.d., shares
The company Gorenje home appliances, d.d. (hereinafter referred to as Gorenje, d.d.) hereby informs the public on the progress of public offering of Gorenje, d.d., shares, taking place pursuant to the conditions laid down in the prospectus issued on September 9th 2010, based on the decision by the Securities Market Agency No. 40200-105/2010-6 dated September 2nd 2010 on the confirmation of the prospectus on the public offering of a maximum of 1,876,876 ordinary registered no par value shares coded GRVG, with a total emission value of a maximum of EUR 24,999,988.32.
In the first round of the offering, commenced on September 15th 2010 and lasting through October 4th 2010, the shares were offered to shareholders that were registered in the Share Register as at the day of the announcement of the prospectus (cut off date), i.e. September 9th 2010, which entitled them the pre-emptive right to subscribe new shares in the amount proportional to their currently held respective shares (percentages) of the share capital. In the first round of the offering, 583 shareholders subscribed and paid in a combined total of 308,437 shares with total emission value of EUR 4,108,380.84 which represents 16.43 percent of total shares offered.
Remaining 1,568,439 shares that were not subscribed and paid in during the first round shall be offered in the second round to all shareholders that were registered in the Share Register as at the day of the announcement of the prospectus (September 9th 2010), without limitations or subscription caps. The second round shall last fifteen days, starting on October 8th 2010, through October 22nd 2010. In the second round, the shares shall be subscribed at subscription points at NLB, d. d., branch offices listed in the prospectus, during regular working hours of these offices, except for the last day of the second round when shares shall only subscribed until 1 PM.
Gorenje, d.d.
Management Board