Thursday, 14th November 2013, Velenje
Gorenje has the best financial report for the year 2012
Gorenje has the best Slovenian financial report for the fiscal year 2012 among all contest entries. Such was the decision of an expert jury evaluating the annual reports submitted for the best annual report contest. The contest was organized by the Finance daily paper for the 14th consecutive year. The fundamental guiding principle of Gorenje's team compiling the financial part of the annual report was to provide the best possible transparency and comparability of financial information.
Receiving the award in the name of Gorenje team was Iztok Pustatičnik, executive director of controlling and accounting at Gorenje: "The award is an encouragement to the entire team that worked on the 2012 Annual Report, but it also commits us to become even better in the future. The basic guiding principle in compiling the financial part and indeed the entire Annual Report was to offer a transparent account of our operations and performance. We are happy to see our effort noticed in the broader Slovenian area. I therefore thank the entire team, my close associates and colleagues from other fields who co-created this Annual Report."