In the best annual report contest held every year by the Finance Business Academy, Gorenje Group won in the category of large enterprises, winning the Best Annual Report Award for 2015 based on the opinion of the expert jury. We were also the best in two sub-categories: we had the best annual report in terms of communication, and with regard to risk management and corporate governance.
This year, the contest for the prestigious professional award for the best annual report, held by the Finance daily paper's Business Academy, took place for the 17th year in a row. »Annual report is the most important communication tool and tool for conveying content, used to report on our operations and performance to a variety of readers. Therefore, transparency, relevance, accuracy, and integrity of reporting have to be at the forefront,« stresses Dr Tatjana Horvat, the leader of the Best Annual Report project and chairwoman of the annual report evaluation committee.
The five-member expert jury that evaluated the quality of contents and the communication aspect of the annual report for the fiscal year 2015 rated the Gorenje Group Annual Report 932 out of 1000 points for the top rank among large enterprises.
»The structure of contents was thoroughly revised for the Gorenje Group 2015 Annual Report, taking into account all globally recognized and tested models and guidelines of business and sustainability reporting, which point in the direction of comprehensive reporting," said Gorenje President and CEO Franjo Bobinac. "Information on environmental and social aspects of our operations was thus included in the very core of our business report; business excellence, environmental responsibility and corporate social responsibility are the three pillars of our sustainable operations, and all three are horizontally linked with our plans and measures in risk management."
Risks are a constituent part of our increasingly global operations. Risks that have increased compared to the year before, and which we paid particular attention to in 2015, include in particular the risks related to the changes in the political and cultural environment, changes in legislation and regulation, and further changes in the economic environment and activities of our competitors. Information on our prior operations and future goals were linked with our business model, strategic goals, and sustainability orientation of our company, as defined at the strategic level.
»Like the development of the 2016–2020 Strategic Plan, the development of the 2015 Annual Report is the result of team work involving employees from a number of fields, contributing preparation, coordination, and linking of information on our operations and performance,« highlights Bobinac.