Wednesday, 6th December 2017, Velenje
Convocation of the 25th Shareholder's Assembly Meeting of Gorenje, d. d.
Following a request by the shareholders Home Products Europe B.V., Netherlands, Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., Zagreb, Croatia, Splitska banka d.d., Split, Croatia, and Unicredit Bank Hungary ZRT, Budapest, for the convocation of Shareholders Assembly of the company Gorenje d. d., Gorenje Management Board hereby convenes the 25th Shareholders Assembly of the company Gorenje d. d. to be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2018, starting at 10.00 a.m., in the conference hall of the Paka Hotel in Velenje, Rudarska ul. 1, Slovenia.
Convocation of the 25th Shareholder's Assembly Meeting of Gorenje, d. d. along with resolution proposals with explanations and presentations of the candidates are available in the attached documents.