Friday, 20th March 2020, Velenje
Hisense Gorenje is stopping production for the next two weeks in all its factories across Europe

Hisense Gorenje management decided, considering the growing coronavirus epidemics across Europe, to shut down the production in all its European factories.
Although we are rigorously implementing strict preventive
measures to stop the possibility of spreading the coronavirus within our
organization, and to protect the health of our employees, and despite the fact
that we have enough protective equipment and our factories have anough
materials to continue with production, we decided to take this additional
preventive measure to contribute to coronavirus spreading prevention and
additionally protect the health of our employees.
Management and Trade Union agreed that the production will
resume on April 6, 2020, except if the governments of the countries where our
factories are located, should in the meantime implement additional measures,
restricting the operations of production and industry.
Management and Trade Union agreed that the working days,
which will be lost due to 2-week shut down of production in Velenje, Valjevo in Serbia and Mora in the Czech Republic will be
replaced partly by shifting the previously planned free days to the coming two weeks and partly by working additional days during the second half of the year.
The above agreement was also confirmed by the Works Council
in the correspondence meeting.
In the time when the production is shut down, some white collar
workers whose work is necessary for the functioning of the company will still
have to work (either from home or at the company).
Even after returning to work (6. 4. 2020) we will, in all Hisense
Gorenje companies, continue to implement all the preventive and protective
measures as we did up to now. We strongly appeal to the employees to stick to
the preventive measures also when at home and take all responsibility for their
own and their families health.
In the time of stopped production the management and the
trade union will keep in constant contact to keep up the communication and
information exchange.